aus wnxx!
somit wird wohl die 58001 doch nicht Museumslok, sondern wird abgeschoben nach Frankreich (als ob es dort nicht schon genug Lokomotiven gibt
Bones re-arranged...
The EWS Class 58 fleet has been partially re-organised to cater for the forthcoming hire contract in France which requires 24 locomotives. Added to the current WZFF fleet are 58001 and 58042 from WNXX, 58021 from WZFS, 58005 58006 58013 and 58026 from WZTS along with 58036 from WZFH. Removed from the WZFF allocation is 58016 which is transferred to WZTS as are the remaining stored Class 58s, probably the worst condition examples, which have all been reallocated from WNXX to the Axiom WZTS holding pool.
WZFF: Class 58 France, 21 allocated, all in the UK
58001 58004 58005 58006 58007 58009 58010 58011 58013 58018 58021 58026 58032 58033 58034 58035 58036 58040 58042 58046 58049
WZFH: Class 58 Holland, 3 allocated, all in Holland
58038 58039 58044
-> ich denke ACTS hat diese abgestellt - was will man mit diesen 3 Loks in den Niederlanden?
WZFS: Class 58 Spain, 12 allocated, all in Spain
58015 58020 58024 58025 58027 58029 58030 58031 58041 58043 58047 58050
WZTS: Class 58 Axiom Stored, 14 allocated, all in the UK
58002 58003 58008 58012 58014 58016 58017 58019 58022 58023 58028 58037 58045 58048
-> Axiom, wo liegt dann das?, oder ist das ein Firmenname (mir unbekannt, noch nie davon gehört!)
The three outstanding to bring the WZFF fleet up to the required level of 24 will probably be 58038 58039 and 58044, the WZFH trio, which are to be / are being released from hire in Holland.