Bachmann entwickelt für seine neusten Lokmodelle in 00, insbesondere für die Class 30/31, eine Tension-Lock-Kupplung, die man ferngesteuert entkuppeln kann. Dabei wird der Haken der Lok von einem Elektromagneten gehoben.
Jedoch scheint es so, dass „by design“ dieses System nicht kompatibel ist mit manchen Tension-Lock-Kupplungen anderer Hersteller.
Zitat It has recently been brought to our attention however, that the couplings used on some third-party products employ coupling hooks made from ferrous metals, making them magnetic and so incompatible with the Auto-Release Coupling System. In light of this development, we must advise our customers and consumers that compatibility with the Auto-Release Coupling System is restricted to tension lock couplings fitted with a non-magnetic coupling hook.
Concurrent with future production of models fitted with Auto-Release Couplings, we shall be making provision for spare brass coupling hooks to be available so that consumers can change any non-compatible coupling hooks in their existing fleet. However, as the first production run of Bachmann Branchline Class 30/31s is now complete, as a gesture of goodwill we will provide any consumer that has purchased a SOUND FITTED DELUXE Class 30/31 with a small quantity of coupling hooks to aid their conversion of any pieces of rolling stock which employ non-compatible coupling hooks.
Alternatively, a range of couplings are available as retail accessories from Bachmann Branchline which are suitable for retrofitting to many different types of third-party rolling stock. In addition, all SOUND FITTED DELUXE Class 30/31 models are supplied with a pair of standard tension lock couplings which can be used on rolling stock where compatibility with the Auto-Release Coupling System is required.
Any consumer that has purchased a SOUND FITTED DELUXE Class 30/31 and would like to claim their free coupling hooks should email, including a copy of their proof of purchase. The components will be provided once available, subject to manufacture and shipping this is expected to be in late-2024.
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